Pink Exquisite Arrangement

Pink Exquisite Arrangement

It’s the timeless beauty and elegant simplicity of this arrangement that makes it special. Exquisite large-headed roses, graceful lilies and a beautiful selection of germinis, lisianthus and spray chrysanthemums make up this chic display, and the looped steel grass adds a contemporary twist.

Featuring 2 pink large-headed roses, 2 pink germinis, 1 pink Oriental lily, white spray chrysanthemum and pink lisianthus with steel grass, eucalyptus and pittosporum carefully arranged in a cream ceramic container.

This product contains 7 stems.

Approximate Product Dimensions:

Height: 29cm, Width: 30cm

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Ordering Information

Delivery is not available on Sundays or Bank Holidays.
For same day delivery you must place your order by 1 pm UK time.